I’m sure you’ve given high praises about your mama whenever someone asks about her. You try your best to string words together that you feel best describe her. Sentences  like “she’s my everything”, “she’s the best mom in the world” and “my mom’s cooking is the best!” are always repeated. Well, this holds true for my mother and I.

I could go on and on about the amazing women she is. How she’s literally shed blood, sweat and tears. Ensuring that her three children were protected, fed and clothed. Raising three children in a country that was foreign to her and learning English was extremely difficult. But she did it. She was alone for the most part, but somehow, at the end of everyday she had a smile on her face, appreciating everything we had.

The Keg Steakhouse + Bar

I often, write about my mom on my blog. She’s one of the reason why I continue to work so hard. She’s taught me to love, stay humble, and to be kind. Given me strength, when I’ve been weak. Most importantly, she’s been my solid foundation on this crazy ride we call life.

Whenever I get the chance to show my mom any appreciation in the form of food, experience or act of service, I do just that. She’s a women of little expectation, so surprising her isn’t that tough. Recently, we gathered at The Keg Steakhouse + Bar for an evening of food, drinks (non-alcoholic) and laughter.

Her love and appreciation for a warm delicious meal really comes from a hard place. We struggled. Food banks, soup kitchens and churches were frequently visited but no matter what, she made sure her children ate. You can imagine her delight when I told her where we were going for dinner.

The Keg Steakhouse + Bar staff immediately made us feel welcomed, had an array of flower bouquets to decorate our tables and were extremely attentive. They made trekking to downtown Vancouver (during rush hour) worth it.

This Mothers Day, instead of gathering your family at your moms place for dinner. Take her somewhere special. A place I know she will love, The Keg Steakhouse + Bar. Spoiling your mom with a home cooked meal, that isn’t cooked inside her house. Now that’s genius. Not only will she love the fact that she doesn’t have to slave over the stove, entertain or do the dishes, she can also enjoy a great evening.

Mom, if you’re reading this,

Here’s 45 Reasons Why I’m Loving You This Mothers Day

  1.  First and foremost, your strength
  2.  You have great work ethic
  3.  High Pitched Laugh – enough said
  4.  You’re my biggest fan
  5.  Your ability to make a situation less stressful
  6.  Forward Thinker
  7.  Always have my back no matter what!
  8.  The zest for life you have is admiral
  9.  You cook the BEST food ever
  10.  You’re constantly thinking of others and how you can help
  11.  Constantly worrying about my well being
  12.  The love for all five of your grandchildren is equal
  13.  You’re always willing to try something at least once
  14.  You never forget to send daily texts of encouragement
  15.  I can call you at 2am and you will answer
  16.  You laugh at all my jokes
  17.  When you pack my lunch without being asked
  18.  You can sense when I need a pep talk
  19.  You let me store my things in your basement
  20.  When you have a snack waiting for me at exactly 4:45pm because you know that’s when I’ll be at your house
  21.  Always bailing me out of sticky situations
  22.  You agree to come with me to places when you would much rather not
  23.  The values you have taught me, have brought me a long way
  24.  When you scold Jayden and Abel in front of me – it reminds me of my childhood 😛
  25.  You let me blast R&B music in your car
  26.  I can count on you to be on time
  27.  You appreciate the little things
  28.  You’re always willing to be my emergency contact for Jayden’s school
  29.  Patience is a virtue, and you have plenty of it
  30.  You let me cuddle up to you and pretend that I’m a baby
  31.  When you stroke my hair and tell me everything will be ok
  32.  When I make you say I’m your favourite, you do, because you know it will make the other two jealous
  33.  Signing packages for me because you know I’m at work all day
  34.  You did my laundry when I didn’t have a dryer or washer at home
  35.  Constantly reminding me to stay humble
  36.  Did I say that you cook the BEST food already ?
  37.  Driving me to the bus stop in the morning because you know I get lazy
  38.  I can call you at 7:50am and ask for a sandwich and you have it ready by 8:00am at the door cause you know I’m starving
  39.  You still have my Grade 8 and 9 high school planners
  40.  You’re the definition of the greatest mom
  41.  When you let me borrow your car even though you need it
  42.  You say I’m skinny but you know I’m really not
  43.  You always tell me I’m beautiful
  44.  You let me be me
  45.  You’re the Bomb Diggity!

the Keg, the Keg Steakhouse, the Keg Steakhouse review, restaurants for mothers day, restaurants in Vancouver to take my mom, Steak & Lobster in Vancouver

Have a great Mother’s Day! Let me know why you love your mama by leaving a comment below.


  1. Jacqueline Man

    Great post. I’m inspired by your 45 reasons for Mothers Day. The Keg is such a great place and a staple can’t go wrong with a meal from them.

  2. This made me a little teary-eyed. Such a beautiful tribute!

  3. Shannon Marie

    Such a sweet post! You’ve got me wanting to move back to BC so I can go to The Keg! I miss it!

  4. Aww what an awesome mama! I’m lucky to have one like her too ? This place looks amazing!!

  5. Rachel @ It's A Hero

    I’m having serious food & drink lust right now! LOL

  6. Lindsey McClure

    She sounds like a wonderful mama! And that food looks divine!

  7. Aly Ronan

    Isn’t it the best having a great relationship with your mama?! I’m soo grateful for that!

  8. Anna Strazi Thompson

    This list was so sweet! The food also looks so yummy!

  9. Such a sweet list!! Oh that creme brulee at the end!???

  10. Now I wish we had a Keg restaurant here in Bham! Love all the pretty photography. Happy Mother’s Day!

  11. Alyssa Funk

    This is the sweetest post! My mom was a single mom and raised myself and my two sisters. I love her because she taught me how to be independent and know my worth!

  12. Rachel Catherine

    This is the sweetest post! I love all of these about your mom. What a great daughter.