The hype about the new Mario Kart Live Home Circuit is real! Just when I thought the Mario Kart game couldn’t get any better, Nintendo releases the newest must-have game. First, can we all agree…
A few months ago, we moved our entire lives from Vancouver, BC to Calgary, AB. When we arrived, we built a basement for our family of 5 to live in. When construction was taking place,…
Starting off the School year with Dempster’s #BuyALunchGiveALunch! Dempster’s knows that a sandwich is integral to a great school lunch. They also know that there are children across Canada who don’t have access to fresh bread.…
Reading to all three of the boys has slowly made its way into our bedtime routine. Playtex Baby™ and Amazon Canada have partnered up to curate a list of great bedtime reading books creating #PlaytexReads!…
We’ve been using the Nuna ZAAZ High Chair for about 10 months now. With that amount of time, I’ve been able to use the Nuna ZAAZ between two children. With more than one child using…
Have you’ve ever wondered if there are a homeopathic cough and cold medicine that can be used on your newborn or infant? Well, I’m here to tell you that there is! As a parent, it…
Who has a child who loves to build Lego? How would you feel if they could combine LEGO and robotics? Then both you and your child will love the new LEGO BOOST Creative Toolbox 5…
Bringing traditional play and tech play together, Play-Doh Touch Shape to Life Studio creates the best of both worlds for your child. Jayden has always been a huge fan of Play-Doh and now that he’s…
What does being a “boy mom” really mean? It means that farts, burps and going to the washroom with the door open are the norm in your house. Yelling “get that out of your mouth!”, “don’t touch…