Having a baby changes your life forever. You have someone who you are responsible for 24/7. You will never experience worry like it till you have your own child. They are constantly on your mind, and you won’t have experienced the unconditional love before that you will feel for your little one. It’s one of the most rewarding things you will go through as you see your baby grow up before you. Motherhood can be a challenge, though, and you need as much support as possible when you are a new mom. Here are 12 essential things every new mom needs in their life!

A scrapbook

One essential thing every mom needs in their life is a scrapbook. Your baby will grow up so quick in the first few months that’s it hard to remember everything they do. To make sure you keep a record of everything your baby does, you should start a scrapbook when they are born. That way, you can start writing in important details such as their first smile. You can also add any pictures you take of them in the first few months. It’s a great place to display all your pictures of your newborn so you don’t end up losing them! You could also include their lock of hair and handprint from when they were born. If you are feeling less creative, you can get some great ready made baby books where you can fill in all the important details about your baby. They will have space for pictures as well, so you can visually remember everything.

A great babysitter

Another essential thing every mom needs in their life is a great babysitter. You will need to have a break from your little one so you can spend some time with your other half. It’s easy for your whole time to be taken up with the baby. But you need to have a date with your spouse so you can have a break, and remember why you both love each other. However, it can be a daunting prospect leaving your little one. You should ask a parent if they will look after your baby so you can go out with your spouse. If they can’t, you should have a look for great babysitters in your area. You can find babysitters online who will be experienced in looking after children. Make sure you check the reviews for them as well. You could ask your friends for recommendations for babysitters in the area.

New mommy friends  

An additional thing every new mom needs in their life is some mommy friends. As much as it’s great to keep in touch with your old friends, some will leave your life after you have kids. You need to find some new friends who are already moms and will know what you are going through. It’s great to have some mommy friends who you can turn to if you need advice on your baby. You can also all meet up together and let the babies communicate and grow up together. You can meet mommy friends at baby groups in your area. You can look online to find all the local baby groups which you can join. It can be daunting at first, but it’s a great way to socialize when you are a mom.

A great mattress  

Another essential thing every new mom needs in their life is a great mattress. You will be getting little sleep now that you have a child. Therefore, the sleep that you do get needs to be good quality. You don’t want to be waking up in the morning and feel even more exhausted. If you do, you will struggle to remember everything and will get grumpy with your child. You should look into getting a great mattress which will ensure you get a great night’s sleep. You can find many online and in stores which might be suitable for you. Remember to get some decent pillows which will be supportive of how you sleep too.

A great diaper bag

You need also to make sure you get a great sized diaper bag in your life when you have a child. You will not want to leave the house without all the essentials including diapers, wipes, toys, and a spare outfit! A lot of people get a small one and then struggle to fit everything in. But it needs to be big so that you have the room to organize it carefully. You don’t want to be hunting through it when your baby needs something. Therefore, you need to make sure it’s big enough to hold everything for your child. You can find many bags online which might be suitable as your new diaper bag.

A good stroller

Another essential thing every new mom needs in their life is a good stroller. You need to make sure you can quickly move it about from A to B without it being too heavy. It will stop you going out as much if you have to push around a heavy stroller everywhere. Therefore, you need to make sure you have a lightweight stroller to take your baby out in. As this site says, you should consider getting two strollers. One which is part of an essential travel system, and one you can take out easily when you are on your own with your baby!


You also need to make sure you have some privacy in your life when you are a new mom. You are learning how to be a parent for the first time and need to get to know your new baby. It can be overwhelming and hard to do this when people are constantly over all the time. They will try and give you ideas on how to look after the child. You need to make sure you allow yourself to have time on your own with your little one. Be honest with friends and family if you would rather they didn’t come over today. They will understand and will give you space with your child. If you mother-in-law is constantly over, it might be time to get your husband to talk to her. After all, a third of parents admitted they felt judged about their parenting and housework by their in-law!

A savings fund

Another essential thing every mom needs in their life is a savings fund. You will find you need to put money aside as your child will need more as they get older. You should start a savings account now they have been born and then put money in there every month. It will be essential when you need to pay out for their school trips or need to buy them new clothes. You should also set up a savings account for them. You can put money in there and then let them have access to it when they reach 18. It’s good to tell family members about this, and they will often put money in there as a gift.

A healthier diet

You also need to make sure that you are eating a healthier diet now you are new mom. You need to have a diet full of nutrients and minerals that will give you energy when you are a busy mom. If you eat badly, you will end up feeling sluggish and more tired. You need to also start eating better so that you can be a good role model for your kid. They will follow your guidance so you need to ensure you eat well and they will follow suit as they get older!

A new calendar

Another essential thing every new mom needs in their life is a new calendar. You will find that your baby has a better social life than you! You will now be invited to many new events with your little one, and will have people wanting to come over more. Therefore, you need to keep an organized calendar so you know exactly what you are meant to be doing with your little one!

A speed dial to your doctor  

You will also find that you need a speed dial to your doctor when you become a new mom. You will be questioning everything that is happening with your baby and wanting to know if they are okay. Therefore, you will be going to the doctor more than you will ever have done before! Remember always to go with your gut if you feel something is wrong with your baby.  Put your mind at rest with a doctor’s appointment if you do want to get them checked out! Or ask your health visitor for advice.

A good baby monitor

Another essential thing every new mom needs in their life is a good baby monitor. You want to be able to relax during the time your baby is asleep in their crib. Therefore, you need a good monitor which you can check to make sure they are okay. If you don’t have one, you will constantly have to keep going upstairs to check them. You can get many video baby monitors online so you will have visual proof they are alright.

Remember, you are doing a good job with your newborn!

*Contributed Post

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